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Choose a defect

Here you can select other defects to view.

Defect Preview
Atrial Septal Defect
Ventricular Septal Defect
Atrioventricular Septal Defect
Patent Ductus Arteriosis
Tetrology of Fallot

Meet the   little_hearts team

Dr. Kevin Harris

Director of Research BCCH

As an academic pediatric cardiologist, I am interested in optimizing outcomes for all children with cardiovascular disease.

And I love running , but not as much as I love making other people run .

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Dr. Shubhayan Sanatani

Division Head and Medical Director BCCH

As a pediatric electrophysiologist, my research focuses on the rhythm of the heart.

And I love running ... farther than Dr. Harris.

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Connie Ens

Nurse Clinician BCCH

As a Nurse Clinician, I do many things, but essentially I strive to ensure the care and comfort of my patients.

And I love to meditate about running during yoga.

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Dr. Christine Voss

Research Associate UBC

As a research associate, my main interests of research are physical fitness, physical activity and cardiovascular health in children and youth.

And running and I are just friends.

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Rahat Dhande

Application Developer UBC Science Co-op

As an Engineering Physics student, I cherish bringing ideas to life through science and technology.

And I love running to the gym in my car.

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Features Tutorial

Movement Controls

  • Click and Drag to rotate
  • Pinch or Scroll to zoom
  • Click the Reset Button to reset the model

View Settings

  • Click the Labels Button and hover over Tags to display labels
  • Click the View Button and choose a view to display cross-sections

Models and Info

  • Click the Defective Heart Button to choose a new model
  • Click the Info Button to read more about the chosen condition

Contact Info

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